A roadside breathalyzer to detect marijuana intoxication is in the developmental stages by Hound Labs. This might be the answer for a THC driving bill passed by Colorado in 2013 that states more than 5 nanograms of THC per milliliter in the blood constitutes for marijuana intoxication.
At present, determining presence of marijuana in the body can only be done by blood testing. With enhance technology and science, Hound Labs is in the works of developing a device that measures THC levels with just as little as one to two breaths. The mechanism they are developing for the breathalyzer will measure levels of THC intoxication to levels as low as 500 picograms.
Other methods have not been developed yet to identify marijuana in the bloodstream. The only method, which is blood testing, only tells the law enforcement if someone used marijuana, not how long ago they used it. And since marijuana has different effects on people, it raises debacle about the road hazards it presents.
Though aimed to serve as a helping hand for the police to identify marijuana intoxicated drivers, others have been raising an eyebrow about accuracy of the device. One is Carl Hart, an expert professor at Columbia University which calls the concept a “dumb idea”.